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Assigning SysNames (System ID's)

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SysNames in WireCAD are unique system IDs. You may have a bunch of the same devices in your system and you need to uniquely identify each one. WireCAD uses the SysName field to do this.


To assign a SysName to a device in a drawing, you simply double-click the device. You will receive a different dialog depending on whether the device is a standard piece of equipment or a terminal. Terminals in WireCAD can represent any input or any output on any SysName that is assigned to the project.


WireCAD uses a two part SysName comprised of the Equipment Type field from the Equipment Library and a numeric sequence. For example the 33rd VTR in a Project Systems database would have a SysName of VTR-33.


Note: The following How To is repeated later in this documentation. No you are not seeing double.

How To: Assign a New SysName

Assumes that you have already placed devices in your drawing.

1. Start the command by double-clicking the device in the drawing, or by clicking Tools>Equipment>Assign SysNames - then select the device.

2. Enter the alias field.


Note: if the Automatically Generate System Aliases setting is checked, the Alias field will be filled in with the SysName.

3. Select the Sequentially Number I/O for this Device option and Conflict Resolution mode.


Here we will not Sequentially Number the I/O.

4. Enter a Location and Elevation.

5. Optionally, click <Validate Location>.

6. Click <OK>. At this point the device is updated and an entry is added to the Project Systems database.



See Also

Equipment Library, New Drawings, New Projects, Assign SysNames, Object Snaps, SysName Delimiter