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Terminal to Device

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Draw a Cable From a Terminal

Menu: Tools>Cables>Draw Cables

Default keyboard shortcut: CC


Draw a cable between a Terminal and a Device.

WireCAD allows you to draw cables between Outputs to Inputs, Inputs to Inputs, and Outputs to Outputs.

Bear in mind that the first point of the cable Polyline will be entered in the Project Cables database as the Source for the cable.


How To: Draw From a Terminal

Assumes that you've placed the equipment in the drawing.

1. Click the Terminal Switch (Jack, Term, Pointer) of your choice.


Notice that the label above the Terminal Switches displays Place Terminal as Source.

2. Select the Terminal of your choice and click <OK>.


3. You are prompted to Select the Destination. Move your cursor into the drawing space and click on an Input.


With Auto Place turned on, the selected Terminal is placed in the drawing to the right of the output. Otherwise you are prompted to place the Terminal and the cable will be drawn to it.