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Applies To:

All product levels

Related Settings:

Repeat Cable Drawing

Auto Place

Auto Place Distance

AutoDraw Pointers

Drawing Cables Overview

Menu: Tools>Cables>Draw Cables

Default keyboard shortcut: CC



WireCAD provides a series of tools to draw cables. The only rule that this version of WireCAD imposes is that you must draw from one WireCAD device to another. You cannot draw a cable representing a spare that connects to nothing.


WireCAD provides a cable auto-routing tool that automatically routes the cable around other devices and, if selected, avoids other cables. The auto-router will always find a path for the cable, even if it means that the cable is drawn through another device or must overlay another cable. If you do not like the way a cable is routed, you have two choices; first: manually drawing the cable by selecting Manual Draw, second: select the cable and grab a grip on the cable and move it around.

If you manually draw cables or otherwise put them where you want them and them move a device, the auto-router will be invoked and re-route all your changes.



WireCAD Terminology

Devices have inputs and outputs, Cables have sources and destinations.

For purposes of this manual we will refer to Jacks, Junction Boxes, Router Crosspoints, Bulkhead connectors, and On-Sheet/Off-Sheet Pointers collectively as Terminals:


Draw Cables Control Descriptions




Repeat checkbox

Keep drawing cable once we finish one.

Auto Place checkbox

Works in conjunction with Terminals. True places the Terminal to the left of the Source the Auto Place Distance and to the Right of the Destination the Auto Place Distance.

Auto Draw Pointers checkbox

Automatically draw Pointers instead of cables.


Manual Draw checkbox

Draw every point in the cable.

Avoid Other Cables checkbox

Allows cables to overlay each other. True =

False =


Place a Jack as a source or destination.


Place a Terminal as a source or destination.


Place a Pointer as a source or destination.

Cable Preferences

X Offset

Horizontal auto-router offset. When drawing cables, WireCAD uses an auto-routine algorithm. The X Offset determines how far away horizontally from other equipment and cables a new cable will rout

Y Offset

Vertical auto-router offset. When drawing cables, WireCAD uses an auto-routine algorithm. The Y Offset determines how far away Vertically from other equipment and cables a new cable will rout.

Cable Text Height

The Cable# text entity height in DU.

Auto Place Distance

See Auto Place above.

Terminal as Source Window

Displays the available Terminals based on Terminal style (Jack,Terminal, Pointer), Support Path and Terminal File Suffix.


Note: Terminal file suffixes determine whether the file will be displayed in this window. Files having a _SD.DWG, or _S.DWG suffix will appear in this view.

Terminal as Destination Window

Displays the available Terminals based on Terminal style (Jack,Terminal, Pointer), Support Path and Terminal File Suffix.


Note: Terminal file suffixes determine whether the file will be displayed in this window. Files having a _SD.DWG, or _D.DWG suffix will appear in this view.