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Draw a Cable Between Two Devices

Menu: Tools>Cables>Draw Cables

Default keyboard shortcut: CC


Draw a cable between two devices.


WireCAD allows you to draw cables between Outputs to Inputs, Inputs to Inputs, and Outputs to Outputs.

Bear in mind that the first point of the cable Polyline will be entered in the Project Cables database as the Source for the cable.

How To: Draw a Cable Between Two Devices

Assumes that you've placed the equipment in the drawing.

1. Click <Draw Cable>

2. Select the output or Source. Watch the Command Line for prompts.


Note: The special OSnap that appears when you are over a WireCAD Connection Point.

2. Draw from output to input.

3. Click in the input. If you are done, right-click and click <Done>. Otherwise, keep drawing.