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Refining Report Criteria

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Previewing Reports (Conditions Tab, Data Tab)

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Clicking the Conditions tab switches to a view where you can apply filters to the data set.


Clicking the Data Sheet tab switches to a view where you can edit the report data. The field list and data will vary based on the report file.

Note: You may not be able to directly edit the Data Sheet view if the report query is too complex.

How To: Narrow Report Criteria

1.Double-click the .rpx file that you want to Print or modify in the Reports section of the Project Explorer.
2.Click the < . . . > button and select Add a New Elementary Condition. A new record will be added to the filter set.
3.Select the Field on which to filter from the list.
4.Select the conditional operator. ie. =, >= , Like, etc.
5.Click <Apply>. You will be switched to Print Preview mode.
6.If the report requires further filtering, repeat the process by clicking the < . . . > button and apply another condition