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This tab is dynamic. Depending on product level and installed third party or WireCAD plugins these menu items are subject to change.


Menu Item

Sub Menu


Plugin Manager

Shows the Plugin Manager dialog where you can control which plugins are loaded.

Script Editor Runner

Shows the Script Editor/Runner dialog. This tool allows you to create custom scripts to perform tasks. You can view/edit existing scripts that show how to do a bunch of things by browsing to the script folder in c:\users\public\wirecad\wirecadx\scripts. Therein you will find many example scripts. Scripts are written in C# and the editor provides intellisense hints.

Translation Manager

Shows the Translation Manager. While not technically a plugin we have always shown it here so why break with tradition. All text (strings) in WireCAD are held in a dictionary. The dictionary is editable through the Translation Manager. All strings default to english if the machines current culture cannot find a translation in the dictionary. You have the ability to change the displayed messages, column headings, and all other strings.

Batch Plot

Show the Batch Plot tool. This tool allows you to scan the drawings for layouts and select the layouts to print/plot in a batch. You can save/load your settings for the next time around.

Brother P-Touch!

Show the Brother P-Touch! plugin to print directly to P-Touch! printer with USB ports that support direct print. (NOTE: not all P-Touch! printers with USB ports support direct print).


If you have installed PatchVerx on your machine this icon will be present so you can run the worlds best patchbay designation strip tool inside of WireCAD and pull data directly from your Cables table and place in on your patchbay label.


Extract All Blocks

Extracts all blocks from the active drawing and writes them out as individual dwg files to the selected folder.

Bulk Block Fixer

If you want to use someone elses CAD blocks you will need to fix them so they work with WireCAD. This is the tool.

DWG Diff

Drawing Differencing tool. Compare two similar drawings and create three views A not B, B not A, and Common to Both. Compares geometry and drawing collections like layers, linetypes, etc.