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Creating a New Equipment Definition

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Menu: Database>Equipment Library[Add Equipment to Library]

Default command line shortcut: le

Create a new equipment definition from which to create functional blocks, rack panels, etc.

Applies To:

All product levels

Related Settings:



How To: Add Equipment to the Library

1.Click Database>Equipment Library
2.Click [Add Equipment to Library]
3.Select or add a manufacturer.
4.Enter model/pn/name, description, etc
5.Click [Next >]
6.This page is optional, but we recommend filling in the Front Panel File field
7.Click [Next >] to add the new definition






1.Select the newly added device from the list. If not found click [Find All]
2.Add the IO by selecting the IO tab
3.Click [Add Ports]
4.Enter a port name, connector, signal type
5.Select Inputs, Outputs table or Both
6.Click [OK] or [Apply] (if you want to leave the form open).
