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Resolve Conflicts after Syncronization

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Applies To:

All product levels

Related Settings:


Resolve Conflicts

Menu: Databases>Resolve Conflicts

Default keyboard shortcut: None


Displays a form to list any conflicting records and either keep or replace the changes.


Conflict Viewer Control Descriptions



View Conflict From option

Project Database works in conjunction with the Project combo to select a Project Database.

Equipment Database selects the dbEquip.mdb database in the current Equipment Database Support Path.

Project Manager Database selects the dbPM.mdb database in the current Project Manager Support Path.

Select a Conflict Table to Resolve

If this Listbox is empty then there are no conflicts for the selected database. Otherwise, the list will contain tables that have  synchronization conflicts. Select a table from the list to see the conflicting records.

Native Table

Shows the record as currently constituted

Conflict Table

Shows a listing of conflict records. Selecting a record will enable the function buttons <Restore This> <Delete This> and <Keep This>.

<Restore This>

Attempts to restore the selected record to the database.

<Delete This>

Deletes the selected records.

<Keep This>

Keeps the current record, but does not delete the conflict record.