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Signal Types

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Applies To:

All product levels

Related Settings:

Support Paths

Starting Cable Number

Layer for Every Signal Type

Default Cable Type

Default Cable Manufacturer

Global Signal Types

Menu: Databases>Signal Types

Default keyboard shortcut: None


WireCAD is a Signal Type centric application. Here you set up Signal Types, determine their color(if any), associated a Cable Type, and a Cable Number Prefix(if desired).

Signal Types Field Descriptions

Field Name


Type Name

The Manufacturer Name


The color used, or Same as Layer to inherit the color of the layer.

Signal Type Description



Alternate layer map. For example: say you wanted to use a different layer name for the VID SignalType like: AVS_VID without the OnLayer field you would have to rename every VID signal type in the Equipment Library so that it applied to your layer structure. Now you put your base layer name into the OnLayer field and when WireCAD finds the signal type associated with it, it will apply the signal type to your layer. So our example VID signal type would end up on your entry AVS_VID, AVS_VID_NO, AVS_VID_PIN layers.


Note: this mapping applies as if it where a standard WireCAD signal and all the sub layers apply as well.

If  the OnLayer field is not  empty or SameAsSignal then:

Drawing Entity

Layer Name

Cable Polyline

= OnLayer

Cable Number Text

= OnLayer_No

Block Pin

= OnLayer_Pin


Drawing Entity

Layer Name

Cable Polyline

= SignalType

Cable Number Text

= SignalType_No

Block Pin

= SignalType_Pin

Cable Manufacturer

Cable Manufacturer.

Cable Type

Cable type.

Cable Number Prefix

Prefix cable numbers with this string.

Cable Starting No

The starting number for this Signal Type. Empty uses the Starting Cable Number.


This grid can be exported to MS Excel. Projects>Import/Export>Export to Excel: