DB:Global Cable Types

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Revision as of 17:53, 29 December 2010 by Wirecadadmin (Talk | contribs)

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User Permissions Level: CableTypesCollection - AllowAddNew, AllowEdit, AllowDelete
Product Level: All
Displays the global Cable Types grid. Here you can Add/Edit/Delete Cable Types.

Database>Cable Types

Settings Explanation

Setting Description
File>New Add a New Cable Type thumb|Database>Cable Types[New]
File>Save Saves the changes.
File>Exit Closes the form.
Edit>Undo Undoes ALL changes back to last save. Use sparingly.
Edit>Refresh Refreshes the data.
Edit>Clear Data Deletes the data in the current selection.
Edit>Delete Selected Row(s) Deletes the selected rows from the database. Be sure to save your changes.
Edit>Copy Selection Down Uses the top cell in the selection as the source data and repeats it down for each cell in the selection.
Edit>Increment Select Down Uses the top cell in the selection as the source data appending a numeric value and incrementing it down for each cell in the selection.

Grid Basics

Every grid in WireCAD has the same basic functionality. Some functionality is disabled in some grids.

  • Not all grids display the filter pane.
  • Not all grids display the Add New pane.
  • Not all grids display the Group panel.
  • Not all grids display the Ripple List.

Exporting Data

Any grid can export data to the following formats:

  • Excel
  • XML
  • HTML
  • Text

Data is exported with the current column display order, grouping and sorting applied.



Column Header: The caption at the top of the grid column.
Row: Grid row.
Active Row: The current row that may or may not be editing.
Active Cell: The current cell that is involved in an edit. It has focus.
Selection: Highlighted array of cells upon which an action may be performed.



Clicking any column header will sort by that column. Clicking it again will change the sort direction.



Dragging any column header and dropping it onto the Group Panel groups the grid by that column.

Reordering Columns

Reorder Columns

Dragging any column header and dropping in on another column header moves that column.

Display/Hide Columns

Choose Columns
  1. Right-click any column header.
  2. Select [Choose Columns].
  3. Drag existing column headers to the dialog to hide them.
  4. Drag columns from the dialog to the grid to show them.

Filtering Data

Using the Filter Pane (if visible)
Filter on existing item
Filter Editor