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Text Styles

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Drawing > Drawing > Text Styles

Commandline: ts


TextStyle is a named, saved collection of settings that determines the appearance of text strings.

You can create your own text styles which can have specific fonts and text height. You can also specify if the text will be underlined,bold etc.

There is no limit to the number of text styles you can create in your drawing.

The active text style determines the appearance of new text created in the drawing. StyleName of text object will get the value of ActiveTextStyle property.

When you enter text, it uses the current text style, which sets the font, size, and other text characteristics. If you want to create text using a different text style, you can make another text style active.

Dialog Options



Style Name, Add, Rename, Delete

Create a new Text Style, Rename the selected Text Style or Delete the selected Text Style


Set the font family of the Text Style.


Style attributes


Preview of Text Style applied to the the Preview Text Edit.

Preview Text Edit


Advance Settings

The advance tab displays a property grid with all of the basic settings and a few more.


Sets the character set used to display text.



LeftToRight, Backwards, UpsideDown, etc.


Oblique angle for the text in degrees.


Value used to stretch text by changing its width.