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Layout is used to compose or lay out your model drawing for printing. A layout may consist of a title block, one or more viewports, and annotations. As you create a layout, you can design floating Viewport configurations to visualize different details in your drawing.

A layout is a paper space environment that simulates a sheet of paper. In a layout, you can create and position viewport objects, and you can add a title block or other geometry. You can create multiple layouts in a drawing to display various views. Each layout displays the drawing as it will be printed on the sheet of paper.

Typically, when you begin designing a layout environment, you step through the following process:

  Create a model drawing.

  Activate or create a layout.

  Insert a title block.

  Create floating viewports and position them in the layout.

  Set the view scale of the floating viewports.

  Print your layout.



Sample of a Layout (Paper Space) :


