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Output Settings

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Application Menu > Settings[Project][Export Settings]



Use Template

Path to to a template drawing that the output will be exported into. Your template drawings can contain any page borders or layouts and settings that you wish.

Always Ask for Filename and Path

You are involved in the filename selection and path

Circuit File Name Format

Sets the file name format for Circuit output.

{0} = Circuit Name

Backbone File Name Format

Sets the file name format for Backbone output.

{0} = Backbone Number

File Format

Presets the output format.


Where do we output.

Create Folders for Each IT System

Create a new folder for each IT System and output the preview to that folder.

Automatically Overwrite Files of Same Name


Append Date Stamp to File Name

Circuit Post Process Script

Path to a c# file which will be run post export but pre write-to-disk. See the Post Process Scripts topic for more information.

Backbone Post Process Script