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Menu: Advanced Tools>AutoScheme Tools>RatsNest

Default command line shortcut: rn



The RatsNest tool checks the project cables database against the drawing. If connections defined in the cables database can be reproduced in the drawing because the SysNames and Ports exist, a cable is placed.


This tool requires that the Project Cables table be populated.


Applies To:


Related Settings:




This tool has three sections. The Rats Nest section does the work of placing the cables in the drawing as defined in the Cables database.



Run the utility to place the cables.

Show Cable Numbers

With or without cable numbers.

[Clear All Cables]

Removes ALL cables from the drawing.



Applies the autorouter to all cables in the drawing.

Avoid Other Cables

Autorouter avoids other cables on cleanup.



applies fillets to all cables in the drawing


fillet distance in DU.