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With explode command you can break compound objects , like inserts ,dimensions ,polylines etc into their sub entities.



Here are some objects that can be exploded:

vd3DFace explode to one vdPolyline
vdDimension explode to vdLines, vdText(s), and vdInserts (the arrows)
vdInsert explode to the entities that is consist of. (If there are Inserts inside Blocks then you may need to apply more than 1 explode to get the simplies entities)
vdPolyface explode to vd3DFace(s)
vdPolyHatch explode to vdPolyline(s)
vdPolyline explode to vdLine(s) and/or vdArc(s)
vdRect explode to vdPolyline
vdText explode to vdPolylines(only texts with fontfile SHX).TTF(true type font) texts are not exploded