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Linking Pointers

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Linking Pointer From Sheet to Sheet

Menu: Tools>Cables>Link Pointers

Default keyboard shortcut: none


Links two pointers together when the Pointers are on different sheets.


How To: Link Pointers on Different Sheets

Assumes that the sheets holding each Pointer are open.

1. Double-click the Pointer on the Source side, or start the command: Tools>Link Pointers and select the Pointer on the source side.

2 You will be prompted whether the other Pointer is on the current sheet. Click <No>.

3. This dialog appears and you select the drawing where the other Pointer resides.

4. You are then switched to the selected drawing and a drag-string is displayed. Drag it over and drop it on the other Pointer.

5. The Pointers are now linked together.


Note: do not worry if the systems on either side of the cable do not have SysNames yet. WireCAD will relink the pointers when you assign cable numbers.