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Applies To:

All product levels

Related Settings:

Linear Units

Linear Precision


Coordinates are expressed in the following format: XXX.XXX , YYY.YYY Where the precision and format are determined by the Linear Units and Linear Precision, and Angular Units and Angular Precision


Coordinates are expressed in drawing units DU. Drawing units are not expressing particular units(meters,inches etc).

In this part you have to make some assumptions in order to define that the coordinates of the drawing mean particular units(meters,inches etc).


For example:

For a mechanical drawing we can make the assumption for example: where one drawing unit defines one inch(1 DU=1inch)

For a architectural/technical drawing we can make the assumption for example: where one drawing unit defines one foot(1 DU=1Foot)

This can be very helpful in designing,dimensioning,retrieving information from the drawing(distances,area calculations)