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AutoScheme Tools

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The AutoScheme Tools provide a means by which to create functional block diagrams directly from information in the various databases. This is handy when you want to import data from an existing facility and create complete or partial drawing sets based on the imported data. Another use is to create global system overviews based on a series of detail sheets. For example, let's say you created a series of drawings for a system. Each drawing isolates a Signal Type and provides detail for that Signal Type only. You can use the AutoScheme Tools to create an aggregate view of all connections to the systems involved.


Based on selections made, you will be able to determine which SysNames to place in the drawing, then WireCAD will position the devices on a grid. The next step is to run the RatsNest function to wire the devices together from point to point without regard to cables crossing other devices. This provides a view of what connects to what and whether devices need to be moved in the drawing. The final step is to run the Cleanup function to reroute all of the cables.


How To: Import Cables Data and Create Drawings From the Database

Please refer to the following sections for a detailed discussion of each step.

1. Import your cables data using the import tool. Databasees>Cables>Import.

This step may require that you coerce your data into a form that can be imported to WireCAD. The WireCAD Import tool currently only accepts Comma Separated (.CSV, .TXT). You can using MSExcel to create this type of file.  For ease of use, use the WireCAD Cables Import Template.CSV. Start>All Programs>WireCAD5>Import Cables Template CSV.

It is important to import enough data for WireCAD to perform basic drawing functions. Though none of these fields are required, if you intend to use the imported data with the AutoScheme tools, you will need the following fields:

SrcSys, DestSys -- Source and Destination SysNames.

SrcPin, DestPin -- Source and Destination Ports.

SrcConn, DestConn -- Source and Destination Connectors.


2. Run the AutoBlock tool. Tools>AutoScheme>AutoBlock.

This will present a list of the available SysNames for you to place in the drawing. Select the Systems that you want to represent in the selected drawing in their entirety.

3. Run the RatsNest Tool. Tools>AutoScheme>RatsNest

This will apply the cables from the database to the visible connections in the drawing with disregard for appearance; in so doing, you will have an idea of what equipment needs to be repositioned in order to make your drawing flow. Use the <Clear Cables> function and the <RatsNest> cables functions together as you reposition equipment throughout the drawing.

4. Run the <CleanUp> function from

To Auto Rout all cables. Bear in mind that this function inherits the Aviod Other Cables Checkbox.