Import Project Data Wizard

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User Permissions Level: CablesCollection, SystemsCollection, EquipmentCollection, ManufacturersCollection, InputsCollection, OutputsCollection.
Product Level: PRO
Import data from delimited text files into the various databases.

This wizard will walk you through importing data into the Project Systems and Project Cables databases. In addition, other global relational data will be added as the proper corresponding information is found in the incoming data.

  • Three modes of import are available:
  1. Import Systems. This will also add missing Manufacturer and Equipment definitions to the global database if the Manufacturer and EquipmentName columns are populated.
  2. Import Cables. This will also populate missing SysNames though you will need to manually associate Manufacturer and Model information in the Project Systems database.
  3. Hybrid. This requires the most data but will also build all missing information in the Project Systems and Global Manufacturers and Equipment databases.
  • Data can be in any text based delimited format.
  • The first row of data can either be column headers or data.
  • Incoming columns can be mapped to existing columns though this process is made easier by using the same column names in the first row of the file.