DB:Global Equipment

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Revision as of 15:03, 29 December 2010 by Wirecadadmin (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{PageHeader |shortcut=eg |perms=EquipmentCollection - AllowAddNew, AllowEdit, AllowDelete |level=All |desc=Global Equipment grid.}} [[File:Manufacturers.png|thumb|Database>Manuf...")

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User Permissions Level: EquipmentCollection - AllowAddNew, AllowEdit, AllowDelete
Product Level: All
Global Equipment grid.


Settings Explanation

Setting Description
File>New New Manufacturer.
File>Save Saves the changes.
File>Exit Closes the form.
Edit>Undo Undoes ALL changes back to last save. Use sparingly.
Edit>Refresh Refreshes the data.
Edit>Copy Selection Down Uses the top cell in the selection as the source data and repeats it down for each cell in the selection.
Edit>Increment Select Down Uses the top cell in the selection as the source data appending a numeric value and incrementing it down for each cell in the selection.