CAD:Vector Based
The CAD file is a vector based file. That is to say that the items in the file are maintained as entity types (e.g. line, circle, etc) with their coordinates and properties stored in the file as opposed to a pixel map. To view the drawing all entities on visible layers are rendered to a pixel map and rasterized to the monitor.
This approach allows for easy scaling and transformation.
Coordinates are being expressed in drawing units.Drawing units are not expressing particular units(meters,inches etc). In this part user have to make some assumptions in order to define that the coordinates of the drawing mean particular units(meters,inches etc). For example: For a mechanichal drawing we can make the assumption for example: where one drawing unit defines one millimeter(1 D.U=1mm) For a architectural/technical drawing we can make the assumption for example: where one drawing unit defines one meter(1 D.U=1m) This can be very helpfull in designing,dimensioning,retrieving informations from the drawing(distances,area calculations)
Bitmap Example
Bitmap files maintain an array of pixels each assigned a color and luminosity.
At the pixel level we see that one pixel is related to, at most, eight other pixels. This is not enough information for use to reliably scale the entire object. At best, we can apply a lossly algorithm to guess at the relationship of one pixel to another. This results in the scaling of pixel maps producing blocky images.
Vector Example
Using the above example we will define an object called Line. We will define its:
- StartPoint = 0,0
- EndPoint = 10,-10
- PenColor = Black
Given this information we then create a pixel map.
Scaling the line becomes a simple geometric transformation afterwhich we feed the information back into the render engine to create a new pixel map. Thus eliminating any artifacts or blockiness.