Settings:User Command Line Shortcuts

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Revision as of 03:28, 29 December 2010 by Wirecadadmin (Talk | contribs)

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Command Line Shortcut: set

User Permissions Level: Any
Product Level: All
Customize your commandline shortcuts.

XP: C:\Documents and Settings\YOURUSERNAME\Local Settings\Application Data\WireCAD\WireCAD6\Commands.txt
Vista/7: C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\WireCAD\WireCAD6\Commands.txt

Project>Settings[User Commandline Shortcuts]

Settings Explanation

Setting Description
Command Name The display name that appears in the commandline history when you run a command.
Alias Alternate name.
Shortcut Super short name.
[Check] Checks for duplicate shortcuts.
The follow fields are edited only by plugin designers and the WireCAD development staff.
Assembly The dll where the method lives.
NamespaceClass The namespace and class that have the method.
MethodName The static method that we call to run the command.
[Register Command][Remove Command] Add/Remove a command
Attention.png Warning: For developer and testing purposes only!


You can launch a command by typing any of the three above items into the WireCAD command line.