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You will need to decide how you are going to label your equipment.
You will need to decide how you are going to label your equipment.
{{Note| The default SysName is generated from the SysName format. It is recommended to modify the format and not the actual SysName.

Revision as of 16:51, 27 October 2011

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Assigning SysNames gives each piece of equipment a unique name to identify it with.

Before You Start

You will need to decide how you are going to label your equipment. {{Note| The default SysName is generated from the SysName format. It is recommended to modify the format and not the actual SysName.

Assigning a SysName

Step Description
1. With your equipment placed in your drawing, Double Click any line on the equipment block. This will bring up the SysName dialog box.
SysName Dialog Box
2. WireCAD will automatically create a SysName and alias for this piece of equipment based on the equipment type. If you dont want to use the pre-populated information, you can change it to whatever you would like.You can also input elevation, location, Engineer Data and specific User Data. ----
Bulbgraph.png Note: You need to make sure that the SysName is very unique. If you would like a more generic user friendly name, place this in the Alias Field.

Auto Populated Information
3. After you have entered the information you want, Click [ADD]. WireCAD will update your equipment with the new SysName and information. As you can see in this image, I have named the system IR-0006 located in Edit Room 12 with a rack elevation of 36.
Updated Sysname

Updating SysName Information

Updating Sysname information, elevation, location etc. is done by following the same steps as Assigning A SysName however, after updating, a message box will pop up asking you if you would like to Ripple Changes.

The message box has the following message, " You have made changes that likely impact other drawings involving the following system: (whatever system you updated). WireCAD will now update all project drawings. This process will update Location and Elevation fields on electronic blocks and move any front panel rack layouts found in "Rack Builder" built drawings with the "HASHES" layer. Ripple Changes Now?"

This will scan all drawings for a relation to this piece of equipment and update information accordingly. It is recomended in order to update project databases and prevent broken links. After Clicking [YES] WireCAD will work its magic and give you a Status Report Box letting you know what changes were made and updated.
Ripple Changes
Status Report