Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base
Subject: How to select a printer in Batch Plotter
Status Open
Product WireCAD v10
Product Level PRO
Database Type VISTADB
Build Number (last 4 digits of version)
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I have Adobe Suite on my WireCAD machine, which includes. Acrobat Pro. I can plot to PDF in the 'export to PDF' command. In Batch Plot, there is no printer to select. Also, I only want to batch plot the paper space, not the model space. Include MODEL space is NOT checked. Do I have to go down a list of about 100 drawings and select on the paperspaces?


10-April-2023 (11:28 AM)
Hi Rick. The first thing I do is to click the [Print/Plot Settings] menu and select a printer driver that has the paper size I want to output to. That will preload the Paper dropdown. See the attached screenshot.
10-April-2023 (02:08 PM)
Then I set up the interface and filter the grid for the the layouts that I want to plot. See attached.
10-April-2023 (02:09 PM)
I then use the Preview function to spot check some drawings before sending it. See attached.
10-April-2023 (02:10 PM)
Once you are happy and everything pleases your eye, click the [Export Multipage PDF] menu and select a filename and location to write the output.
10-April-2023 (02:11 PM)