Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base
Subject: Program has stopped working.
Status Resolved
Product PatchVerx v5
Product Level PRO
Database Type VISTADB
Build Number (last 4 digits of version)


Program has stopped working. Several reboots of computer, no joy. Tried to uninstall and reinstall but no joy. Help!
17-May-2022 (08:47 PM)
Hi Jim, just to verify - it is PatchVerx that you are having trouble with?
Is it the standalone version or the plugin to WireCAD?
Are there any application log messages that can give us a hint?
Finally, are you patched up to the latest version (
17-May-2022 (11:32 PM)
Yes, PatchVerx is the problem child here. I am using it stand alone in this instance. I fired it up as per usual and there was a message that there was an update. It asked if I wanted to download and install the update and I said yes. I tried installing the update and that's when things went nuts. I have now uninstalled the program and my computer is running normally again. If you would, I'd like to install a fresh copy of the program and try it again. If you need my key # I can provide it, though it's probably in my account.
21-May-2022 (10:47 PM)
Ok, I'm back in the saddle at work and I am needing my PatchVerx program to run again. Can you send me a fresh copy of the program, or a link to it? We're expanding our router and installing new patchbays so I'm in need of this.

24-May-2022 (05:30 PM)
Never mind! I found the download page and am installing a fresh copy. Sorry about that.

24-May-2022 (05:39 PM)
Are you up and running?
24-May-2022 (07:22 PM)
Negative. I have uninstalled PatchVerx and deleted all the old versions and folders and bits, then downloaded a new copy of the latest and greatest and it just will not run. I get spinning blue circles that make it look like it's trying, but no joy. I thought maybe a program I had added lately, a printer utility from Brady that we use to print labels with our new M611 printer, might be interfering so I uninstalled it , rebooted and tried again with the same results. So, any ideas?

24-May-2022 (08:54 PM)
OK, I give up. Let's hook up so I can see what is going on there.
I just tried to call the number on file and went to voice mail.
Give a call when you are in front of it and we will figure this out.
866-273-5298 opt 1.
25-May-2022 (08:36 PM)
Hooked up and found the key database to be corrupt.
Downloaded and ran:
This fixed the error.
25-May-2022 (10:20 PM)