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Knowledge Base
Subject: Title Block text (font) style changes when I insert into a drawing
Status Resolved
Product WireCAD v10
Product Level PRO
Database Type VISTADB
Build Number (last 4 digits of version) 0826
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Hello, My Title Block text (font) style changes when I insert into a drawing or attempt to create a template. What am I doing wrong. I have attached my title block model dwg for you to review. Is it possible to attach more than 1 file per ticket? I'd like to send a PDF of the drawing after the title block is inserted so you can see the changes that take place. THX, Scott
02-September-2021 (03:08 PM)
Here is an example of the change that takes place when inserted into a drawing. Thx
02-September-2021 (03:10 PM)
Ah, it looks like the Standard text style which you are using in the WM ANSI B Title Block Model.dwg file is mapped to a true type font (Arial).
Upon insertion into the new drawing Standard is being mapped to an SHX font (maybe arial.shx) I can't tell because of the pdf.
The fix:
In the new drawing - open the Drawing>Text Styles... dialog and find the Standard text style and set the font to Arial or what ever you want.
Click OK and you should be good to go.
02-September-2021 (05:54 PM)
Issue resolved. Thanks so much, Chris!
03-September-2021 (01:15 PM)