Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base
Subject: How to push changed from th eequipement into the cables database
Status Resolved
Product WireCAD v9
Product Level PRO
Database Type SQL Server
Build Number (last 4 digits of version) 8102


I created an equipement, inserted it in the drawing, assign a sysname, attache cables and assigned a cable number.

I notoce this morning that I put the wrong connector type, so I went in the equipement library and changed it for the proper connector, but the cable does'nt reflect that change,is there a way to update the cable info, because for now the only way I seee is to deconnected and reconnect the cable...and I have ALOT of cables.
26-October-2018 (02:21 PM)
The Equipment Library is a lookup table only. You can't make a change there that effects any existing work. Only that of work moving forward.
You will need to change the connector type and then pull the change into the document using Edit Block in Place.
Alternately you could also edit the connector in the Cables table and ripple it into the drawings.
26-October-2018 (06:11 PM)