Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base
Subject: Error 455 and Error 251 when trying to assign cable numbers
Status Resolved
Product WireCAD v8
Product Level PRO
Database Type VISTADB
Build Number (last 4 digits of version) 1381
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When I double click a cable to assign a number to it I receive an error message!!! (see attached screen capture.)
I have tried making changes to the Next Numbers Table, but I get the same message when I try to save.
Row 12 of the Next Numbers Table is the CABLENO variable.
It only appears to occur in this project,f I open previous project everything appears to work fine.

09-September-2016 (12:51 AM)
It looks like we need to Pack the project database. Please follow the instructions from the link below:
09-September-2016 (12:20 PM)