Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base
Subject: [Nice To Have] Adding a filter and sorting option for the plan view files
Status Resolved -
Product WireCAD v8
Product Level PRO
Database Type SQL Server
Build Number (last 4 digits of version) 1374
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So now the plan view files are working perfectly! Thanks for that.

We just starting with the tool for a project and i got the following questions:

- Is it possible to make a filter like all the other grids and functions? So you can filter for example on a location? The current project has 1700 equipment items and finding the right one is rather difficult.
- Is it possible to sort on something else than manufacturer name?
22-March-2016 (08:59 AM)
I have added Group By: Manufacturer, Equipment Model, Location. The gallery supports filtering right now by clicking on the All Groups header. See the attached.
30-March-2016 (04:25 PM)