Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base
Subject: Pinouts database issues
Status Resolved -
Product WireCAD v7
Product Level PRO
Database Type SQL Server
Build Number (last 4 digits of version) 1294


Help!! I am still having some issues with getting the pinouts database to save changes to the originally entered pinouts correctly, or at all. I don't think I have the procedure for performing the changes correct, because sometimes they take and sometimes they don't. Plus a couple of pin profiles are not showing up after they have been created and if I try to use the connector again, WireCAD will not let me create a new profile to get things all straight again. Again, I am sure I am pushing the buttons in the wrong order, but I am not sure what the correct order is and where to find the data try and fix it.

And I am still having some issues with getting the form I was working on to show certain information.


Scott Patz
28-December-2015 (10:23 AM)
Call in when you get a sec. We have a reduced staff but will get it figured out.
28-December-2015 (01:54 PM)
I have modified the Pinouts tool to fix issue with deleting pinouts. Further I have added a rename tool.
08-January-2016 (10:49 PM)