Change Log v10

WireCAD v10.1.24.07xx Not Yet Released


  • Fixed Issue Ticket [102345]: Activation for one of our computers. This issue forces the Activation dialog into Register by Phone mode where it promptly ignores any input and stays in an inactivated state. So far, this has appeared only on specific VMs.
  • Fixed Issue Ticket [102348]: Rack builder blocks in slots move out of their position on ripple.
  • Fixed Issue: Application Settings[Check for Updates on Startup] not honoring setting.
  • Fixed Issue: SysName Assignment dialog Project Revision dropdown not listing all revisions.
  • Fixed Issue: Cable Number Assignment dialog Project Revision dropdown not listing all revisions.
  • Fixed Issue: Packup/Checkout sync collection failed not showing status results to indicate which collection failed to sync.


    • Renamed the SysName Assignment dialog [Project Revision] button to [New Project Revision] for clarity. 
    • Renamed the Cable Number Assignment dialog [Project Revision] button to [New Project Revision] for clarity. 
    • Wish List Ticket [102357]: Modified the Equipment Library Save As function to show the newly created item.
    • Wish List Ticket [102357]: Added refresh button to Equipment Library.

    WireCAD v10.1.24.0606 Released 06/06/24


    • Fixed Issue: Ticket [102275]: Show Duplicate Cable Numbers function not working with Azure database.
    • Fixed Issue: Edit Block in Place in some cases causes Cable # text to shift down onto the line.


    • Added ScaleX, ScaleY, SkewX, and SkewY commands. 
    • Added Righthand_rect_d.dwg adapter to support the previously released Adapters as SysNames functionality.
    • Updated WireCAD Remote Agent to latest version as a security measure. This may have cause your antivirus to quarantine the Any Desk remote agent for WireCAD.

    WireCAD v10.1.24.0119 Recalled and re-released as WireCAD v10.1.24.0125


    • Fixed issue with Cables Import from excel interpreting a cable number with no alpha characters as a number type and failing to import properly.
    • Fixed issue Ticket [102242]: Cable Grid Search not searching the Sheet field.
    • Fixed issue Ticket [102241]: Equipment Library Manufacturer Find bug. Searching for manufacturers with spaces in the name produces an undesirable result.
    • Fixed Issue with Manual Key authorization in some cases.
    • Fixed Issue: PDF file icon changing randomly to that of a dwg.
    • Fixed Issue: Assign SysName dialog allowing empty or whitespace only characters in the Elevation field.
    • Fixed Issue: Batch Plot ribbon page not focusing when the page is activated.


    • Added Advanced Tools>Cable Functions>Count By to facilitate Counting By: Ones, Odds, Evens, Fives, Tens.
    • Modified the Project>Save Project As function so that you can save a project from any database format to any other supported database format.
    • Modified the project Host Name edit dialog to better aid in understanding how it works.
    • Added Natural Sort Threshold to the Application Settings page to allow the user to control the number of records that are considered in a natural sort on a grid. Natural sort is an expensive operation and for large record sets the application can appear to hang. The default value of 5000 records will stop naturally sorting fields in datasets with more that 5000 records.
    • Remove the Disable Natural Sort checkbox on the Application Settings page to make way for the above modification.
    • Modified the Edit Attributes dialog to always show the Locked Position column.
    • Ticket [102235] Wish: it would be nice to be able to color code the page numbers on the project explorer. We have modified the Project explorer to expose the Drawing Status field and added a settings panel where you can define the drawing status items. Each status item can have a color associated.
    • Added the ability to Assign SysNames to Adapters.
    • Added the Equipment context function to update the Adapter locations to match the parent block.
    • Modified OSnapAll to be assigned to F2.
    • Modified the user Drawing Settings page to include setting the OSnap Presets that WireCAD sets when drawing a cable.
    • Modified the Project Explorer to remember column settings. 
    • Added Cable Draw Mode and additional rule to set the cable # text on a side based on wire length.

    WireCAD v10.1.23.1108 Released 11-08023


    • Fixed issue: Equipment List Visualizer runs but does not show output.


    • Added Adapter Counter script. 

    WireCAD v10.1.23.1012 Released 10/12/23


    • Fixed issue: [102149] Wrong shape when load a user settings Display Preferences.
    • Fixed Issue: Pack Up/Check Out from v10.1 not properly converting the project database which results in a failed unpack. Only an issue when converting from SQL to VISTADB.
    • Fixed Issue: Some SQL server instances causing the Group I/O function to produce irregular results.
    • Fixed Issue: Drawing Save As dialog not allowing access to save drawing on some network shares.
    • Fixed Issue: Selection not showing in Backbones grid.
    • Fixed Issue: Unpack/Checkin from prior version not properly converting before sync.
    • Fixed Issue: Show Cable Assignment Dialog, Show SysName Assignment Dialog checkboxes not properly displaying state.
    • Fixed Issue: Equipment Library persisting the Manufacturer filter.

    • Added new V10 Runsheet with MAKE/Model.
    • Added new v10 SysNames report with images, description and equipment height.
    • Modified the Reset and De-assign functions functions to warn user if the selection set contains items that are outside the current view that will be affected by the current operation.
    • Added Default Location dropdown to the Advance Tools>Equipment Function section of commands on the Drawing.
    • Added Slurp Missing GDB function to Equipment List (SysNames) File>Tools>Slurp Missing GDB items. This function creates an entry for each SysName that can't find an corresponding entry in the Global Equipment Library. The user must then manually enter port and supporting data.
    • Modified the CMS New Circuit tool CFE Locations dropdown to filter results.

    WireCAD v10.1.23.0602 Released 6/2/23


    • Fixed. Hovered Osnap toolbar disappears mid command.
    • Fixed issue with installer not properly recognizing .Net Framework version and failing on some systems.


    • Added the following Align and Distribute functions to the Modify menu and the right-click context menu:
    • Align Lefts.
    • Align Rights.
    • Align Tops.
    • Align Bottoms.
    • Align Centers.
    • Align Middles.
    • Distribute Y Centers.
    • Distribute Y Spaces.
    • Distribute X Centers.
    • Distribute X Spaces.
    • Increase Y Spacing.
    • Decrease Y Spacing.
    • Increase H Spacing.
    • Decrease H Spacing.

    WireCAD v10.1.23.0525 Released 05-25-25 (problems with installer - removed from distribution).


    • Fixed. Several small bugs and typos.
    • Fixed issue with exception on drawing open with multiple null entries in the Next Numbers table.
    • Fixed issue with Project Signal Types ripple question not honoring a selection of No.
    • Fixed issue [102144] Group Marker Vertical line w test offset not offsetting text properly.


    • Modified the installer support ARM64 processors. Note: this is still Windows software. This modification will work with Win11 running on WMWare or Parallels on a MAC M1 or M2.
    • Modified the Layers dialog to show the VisibleInForms property.
    • Modified the CMS Circuits grid to show status in only the Status column instead of all columns. This gives a better experience when selecting multiple rows for preview.
    • Modified the Slurp Cables function to show results in the command line history which better aligns with the Slurp SysNames function.
    • Modified the Delete, Copy, Move functions to warn user if the selection set contains items that are outside the current view that will be affected by the current operation.
    • Modified the Equipment Library to check for and switch any document where the ActivePenColor is not ByLayer. When this occurred before the change, the created blocks would bear the current ActivePenColor. This produces and unexpected result.

    WireCAD v10.1.23.0403 Released 4/3/23


    • Fixed. Windows Update causes the Script tool to crash the application.


    • Better messaging in the Global Signal Types grid tool - Create Signal Types from IO.

    WireCAD v10.1.23.0317 Released 3/17/23


    • Fixed regression bug. CMS Circuit grid not honoring status item formatting.
    • Fixed issue with Layers dialog not displaying the LineType and Scale unless focused.
    • Ticket [102098] Possible bug working with Group marker in Equipment.
    • Fixed issue with Publish to Portal tool failing when the project name has a trailing space.
    • Fixed issue with the Equipment Library appearing to freeze when moving a selection of inputs or outputs to the top of the grid. It was just taking a very long time. 

    • Modify the Autoblock tool UI to better explain the port selection choice.
    • Fixing Ticket [102098] required that we make a small modification in the way groups of one pin are displayed. This will break the ability to recreate prior appearance of a single pin group for both the input and output groups. 
    • Added User level setting to disable showing the Getting Started pdf on startup.
    • Added new Project Viewport Bounds function to the Drawing View menu. This function projects a copy of the selected viewport's bounding geometry onto the Model Space to show the area that the viewport is currently set to show.

    WireCAD v10.1.23.0102 Released 01/02/2023


    • Fixed several small bugs.


    • Added the Publish Project to Portal tool. Projects>Publish Project to Portal. This tool prepares and uploads the project to the new WireCAD Team Portal at: Create your account with your WireCAD v10 key with active Assurance. From the WireCAD Team Portal you can share you project, its data and drawings with your team. Redline drawings, research and visualize your project data. 
    • Added project specific global databases. You can, if you choose, relate a global database to a project. This is useful for those that are continually switching global databases to satisfy customer requirements.

    WireCAD v10.1.22.1208 Released 12/8/22


    • Fixed some small bugs.
    • Ticket [102046] Cable editing broken in latest release. With cable editing not allowing explicit duplicate creation or editing of a cable.

    WireCAD v10.1.22.1202 released 12/2/22


    • Fixed some small bugs.
    • Fixed issue in projects DAL sync function that may cause issue exporting the CablesDrawingsCables m-m index table.


    • Modified the post-paste pointer re-referencing function to provide better messaging.
    SDK Breaking Changes

    • Modified the Project DAL which may require plugins that reference it to recompile.

    WireCAD v10.1.22.1027 released 10-27-22


    • Ticket [101961] Error on SysName Assignment.


    • Modified the Attribute Editor to allow modification of additional properties.
    • Modified the SysName Assignment dialog to allow selecting of existing SysNames where the make/model match or don't.
    • Modified the Inputs/Outputs page of the Equipment Library to support forcing the selection to the top or bottom.

    WireCAD v10.1.22.0928 Released 09-28-2022


    • Ticket [101996] Copying ports won't copy group naming.
    • Ticket [101997] Assign Terminals OK Button should be default.
    • Ticket [101998] Assign Adapters Dialog Should Prepopulate with Connector and Type info.
    • Ticket [101995] Floating object in all views on very large monitors.
    • Ticket [102009] Export Circuit Import Template not exporting all ports. 
    • Ticket [102011] After software update, most shortcut keys are not working. Related to Ticket [102003] below.


    • Ticket [102003] How to Disable Command Line AutoFill. --- Removed this feature from the application.
    • Ticket [101016] importing backbone template will create duplicate sysname (panel). ---Added Strict flag to import template to disallow duplicate systems if the location is different.

    WireCAD v10.1.22.0909 released 09-09-2022


    • Issue with new Command Line autofill and the command line prompt.
    • Circuit Import Template not showing last record of src first lookup.
    • Export Circuit Template function throwing exception on lookup creation if specific conditions are met.


    • Modified the Bulk Block Fixer plugin to allow placement of the descriptor attributes using a map.
    • Modified the Export Circuit Template tool to show only one record per backbone.

    WireCAD v10.1.22.0805 Released 08-05-2022


    • Fixed issue with Plan View Detached Multicable not updating length from polyline.
    • Fixed issue with SysName Format tool error if all formats have been deleted.
    • Fixed issue with Cable No Format tool error if all formats have been deleted.
    • Fixed issue with Start Page buttons and icons showing wrong resolution depending on system settings.


    • Modified the Cable Error Check function to show an error if the cable source and destination is attached to the same port.
    • Modified the New Project Signal Type dialog to include more properties.
    • Modified the cable number assignment through pointers to allow assignment from the destination side.
    • Changed the "Verbose Cable Number Assignment" checkbox text to: "Show Assignment Dialog".
    • Changed the "Verbose SysName Assignment" checkbox text to: "Show Assignment Dialog".
    • Modified the Draw Cables tool panel to unify the [Replace Cable with Pointers] option with its Default Pointer setting.
    • Added Advanced Tools>Equipment Functions>Next No edit to the drawing UI to allow users to quickly update the next number without having to open the Next Numbers grid.
    • Added Advanced Tools>Cable Functions>Next No edit to the drawing UI to allow users to quickly update the next number without having to open the Next Numbers grid.
    • Added Advanced Tools>Cable Functions>Show Port Info to allow users to interrogate port information but clicking on the port.

    WireCAD v10.1.22.0607 Released 06-07-22


    • Ticket [101911] - New Sysname bug. This issue is resolved. We have slightly modified the way the SysName assignment dialog works.
    • Ticket [101910] - Activation Key not showing in splash screen.  Misleads users to think they are in Trial mode when, in fact, they are fully activated. 
    • Ticket [101915] - error. Index is outside of the bounds of the array when selecting a cable that is attached to a corrupt block.
    • Ticket [101921] - Can't edit current project revision in Cables database.
    • Ticket [101926] - Saving Status Report tries to save twice.
    • Ticket [101924] - Status Report throws exception when a project is not loaded.
    • Tidy Cable not working with Multi-cable.
    • Ticket [101929] - Double-clicking Destination side of Many-to-Many cable does not update the dest side text and enters wrong value in database.

    • Reworked the Expert Mode settings page with three radio options that do not conflict. Beginner, Normal, Expert.
    • Ticket [101917] - Cannot PICK WINDOW in print dialog in READ ONLY mode.
    • Ticket [101916] - CTRL-Double-click doesn't work to jump pointers in READ ONLY mode.
    • Ticket [101920] - Nice to Have -- Dropdown selection of the project revision in the Assign SysName and Cables dialog.
    • Added Rebuild List from I/O function to the global Connectors grid.
    • Added Show Duplicates function to the global Connectors grid.

    WireCAD v10.1.22.0502 Released 05-02-22


    • Fixed bug with autosave timer.
    • Several other small bugs.

    WireCAD v10.1.22.0429 Released 04-29-22


    • Modified CMS Export Circuit Template to allow backbone selection.
    • Modified messaging when pointer update across sheet with missing pointer on the other end to show message in commandline history not a modal message box.
    • Tweak: Autosave timer resets after Save All Drawings is clicked.


    • Several small bugs.

    SDK Changes

      WireCAD v10.1.22.0312  Released 03/12/22


      • Modified the Rack Builder dialog to allow exclusion of Systems Involved by adding a checkbox list.
      • Modified messaging when a project folder structure is wrong.
      • Improved messaging when pointer linking fails.


      • Fixed issue with Cut to clipboard with linked pointer and the setting to reset pointers on delete removing the cable number text from the other side of the pointer.
      • Fixed project drawings grid navigation remove row button disabled.
      • Fixed issue with project Locations grid not displaying properly when showing large datasets.
      • Fixed issue with project Locations grid not scrolling smoothly with large datasets.
      • Fixed issue with project Locations grid not honoring the Disable Natural Sort application level setting. 
      • Several small bugs.
      SDK Changes

      There are several breaking changes to the API. If you are calling the following functions you will need to refactor and recompile your code.

      • Breaking Change - WireCAD.SheetPointerFunctions.LinkPointers function now returns an error string instead of bool.
      • Breaking Change - WireCAD.SheetPointerFunctions.UpdatePointers function now returns an error string instead of bool.
      • Breaking Change - WireCAD.SheetPointerFunctions.UpdatePointersBackwards function now returns an error string instead of bool.

        WireCAD v10.1.22.0108 Released 1/08/02022


        • Modified the Titleblock Manager to show all 12 DrawingUser fields.


        • Fixed issue with Titleblock Manager not reloading the drawings record until drawing is closed and reopened.
        • Fixed issue with licensing code not properly setting the application mode unless the license screen is shown.
        • Several small bugs.

        WireCAD v10.1.21.1111 Released 11-11-21


        • Fixed issue with right justified Aux Text not honoring changes in the Cable Text Offset setting properly.
        • Fixed issue with ManyToOne through pointers System.ArgumentOutOfRange exception.


        • Modified the Total Edit Time display on the Start Page and the Project Info page to show the Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Total Hours, Total Minutes.
        • Added Table of Contents generator. This can be found on the File menu of any active drawing. This function generates a Table of Contents from the project Drawings table. This is a BETA release of this plugin. This is available in PRO and up.

        WireCAD v10.1.21.0826 Released 08-26-2021


        • Fixed issue ripple status report producing illegal characters in the suggests default report name if the current culture includes a forward slash as the date separator.
        • Fixed issue with  Sysname Format tool not allowing edits to existing detail rows using VistaDB6.
        • Fixed issue with  CableNo Format tool not allowing edits to existing detail rows using VistaDB6.
        • Fixed issue with  Named Paths not allowing edits to existing  rows using VistaDB6.
        • Fixed issue with functional blocks placed in Rack Builder built drawings moving to new positions upon ripple.


        • Refactored the SysName Format dialog for better stability and usability.
        • Refactored the Cable No Format dialog for better stability and usability.
        • Added Signalize Group Markers property to the Equipment Library. This property sets whether the Group Markers inherit the color of the pins or the pin names.

        WireCAD v10.1.21.0819 Released 08-19-2021


        • Fixed issue with One-to-Many cables not updated the Cable# text on assignment.
        • Fixed issue with Show Me button highlighting object in drawing but clicking ESC does not clear it.
        • Fixed issue with traversing pointers highlighting object in drawing but clicking ESC does not clear it.
        • Fixed issue with VDB3 to VDB6 conversion logic. This only manifests when reverting back to VDB3 files.


        • Refactored the core to allow for the new SDK event. This has no functional change.

        SDK Changes

        • Added new event to the Workspace - BeforeUpdateCableText which fires just before the cable number text entities are to be updated handing off the Cables, Polyline, and DrawCableInfo objects for you to set the source and destination texts for the CableNo and the AuxText.

        WireCAD v10.1.21.0811 Released 8-11-21


        • Fixed installer to update WireCAD SDK with 10.1 references.

        WireCAD. v Released 8-3-21


        • Modified the My Manufacturers list to persist changes to the column structure.


        • Fixed typo in the Index Statistics dialog.
        • Fixed issue with converting vdb3 to vdb6 files not properly setting the page size.

        WireCAD. v Released 7-09-21 RC2


        • Reworked the Autoblock tool to align to the the block creation modes.
        • Modified the Autoblock tool to use the new Appearance settings.


        • Fixed issue with Edit Block In Place not round tripping the Equipment Description field.

        WireCAD v10.1.21.0626 Released as 10.1 RC1

        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed issue with check for updates downloader not showing progress.
        • Fixed issue with check for updates installer not finding install path.

        • Improvements in the Packup and Go function.   
        • Improvements in the Unpack function.
        • Improvements in the Check In function.

        WireCAD v10.1.21.0618 Release as Beta 5.

        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed issue with selected objects in drawing not highlighting.
        • Fixed issue with updating rack panels not showing the proper make/model in some cases.
        • Fixed issue with Plan View Multi-cable Assignment throwing exception in some cases.
        • Fixed issue with attached plan view cable not editing after creation.


        • Added Default Single Line of Text Height property to the Drawing Settings. This reduces the number of steps required to enter text in the drawing.
        • Added Default MText Height property to the Drawing Settings. This reduces the number of steps required to enter text in the drawing.
        • Added the ability to better edit Plan View cables. Add, edit delete and update.
        • Removed the Strict naming policy from the Edit Plan View Cables dialog.
        • Added a link to the Show Me context menu in drawings that links to the Global Equipment Library for that device.

        WireCAD v10.1.21.0603 Released 6-03-2021 as 10.1 Beta 4

        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed issue with missing assembly loading Reports.
        • Several minor bug fixes.

        WireCAD v10.1.21.0518 Released 5-18-2021 as 10.1 Beta 3

        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed issue with Equipment Library stock shape Torn Top and Bottom not tearing the bottom edge.
        • Fixed issue with SQL project drawing scan throwing Nullable Object must have value exception.

        WireCAD v10.1.21.0511 Released 5-11-2021 as 10.1 Beta 2


        • Modified the Dimension text height to honor the dwg file format Text Style text height. Removed the Text Height property from the property grid as it is confusing.

        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed issue pasting a non-WireCAD entity throwing exception sometimes.

        WireCAD v10.1.21.0508 Released 5-08-2021 as 10.1 Beta 1

        This is a minor version increment which introduces changes to the UI, drawing engine, and file based databases. If you have custom plugins they will need to be recompiled against the new references.

        This version converts VistaDB3 to VistaDB6 files. As such it cannot revert to WireCAD v10.0.


        • Migrated from VistaDB3 to VistaDB6 databases for speed and FIPS compliance. Please note that the conversion process is automatic. Once you open a project or global database in WireCAD 10.1 you will not be able to revert to WireCAD 10.
        • Updated UI components that work better with large displays.
        • New drawing engine that opens large drawings.
        • Added the ability to set the key on the Serial Keys page of the website to NEVERLOCK. In this mode the key cannot be locked to a machine. Note: in this mode WireCAD requires an internet connection to run.
        • Added the ability for a key token to be assigned to a key for better user management. If someone leaves the organization you just change and redistribute a new token.
        • Added the ability to disable a Locked license. Note that this only works in WireCAD 10.1 and forward. 
        • Faster paste operations.
        • Implemented post clipboard paste operation to check for an relink pointer that are pasted from another drawing. Works for both On sheet and Off sheet pointers, as well as Copy and Cut operations.
        • Added the ability to search grid columns from the Column Chooser.
        • Modified the New Project Wizard project Description field to track the project Name field by default.
        • Modified the Equipment Library Appearance Settings to allow for custom settings to be saved at the user and project levels. There are no more limits on the numbers of appearance settings you can save. This modification removes existing appearance settings. You will need to remake yours.
        • Modified the ColorPicker in the property grid for the drawings and library to match elsewhere.
        • Modified the Viewport Frozen Layers select dialog to hide frozen layers from the available layers to select upon initial show of the dialog.
        • Modified the Drawing Properties grid to only show selections of 500 objects or less to optimize speed. When a selection set of more than 500 objects is sent to the property grid a message is displayed indicating that the selection set is too large.
        • Modified to better support the 3DConnexion SuperMouse button events.
        • Updated the New Report Wizard.
        • Added filters to the Terminal placement tool panels.
        • Added new location based cable run sheet report.
        • Added new location based cable pull sheet with cable types and counts.
        • Added Find field to Project Explorer.
        • Added the ability to control from the Settings dialog whether the Folder Sync mechanism is enabled for SQL projects.
        • Added the ability to drag/drop move folders in the Project Explorer

        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed issue with Find toolbar not allowing Active Drawing selection.
        • Fixed issue with Title Block Manager not updating on drawing open.
        • Fixed issue exception occurs when right-clicking in a drawing with no project open.
        • Fixed issue with loading speed on the drawing properties window.
        • Fixed application startup exception when loading some pointers.
        • Fixed issue with calculated properties like Area and Length showing in the property grid and calculating multiple times.
        • Fixed issue with Alias field changes while in Manual SysName assignment mode not persisting when the control loses focus.
        • Fixed issue with clearing a selection set taking a long time in large drawings.
        • Fixed issue with IPAddress not making the round trip in an EBIP (Edit Block in Place).
        • Fixed issue in Equipment Library while changing the Body Color the preview does not refresh.
        • Fixed issue with equipment bodies not honoring the byLayer pencolor flag.
        • Fixed issue with selecting existing equipment in the SysName assignment  dialog not updating the Alias field with the proper data.
        • Fixed issue: Delegate to an instance method cannot have null 'this'. when starting WireCAD with a previous WireCAD background process or task running when WireCAD did not shut down properly.
        • Fixed issue: canceling Create Sysname from the Equipment Library does not properly revert the next number. 
        • Fixed issue: Fillet Cable not filleting the last vertex.
        • Fixed issue: Ratsnest  Fillet All Cables not filleting the last vertex.
        • Fixed issue: Grouped port marker getting wrong layer assignment.
        • Fixed issue: Reset All SysNames not resetting pointers (until REGEN).
        • Fixed issue: deleted file returns when using SQL folder sync.
        • Fixed issue: folder sync with moved and renamed folders not propagating.
        • Fixed issue: Renaming folder throwing access denied exception.
        • Fixed issue: several drag drop bugs in the Project Explorer.
        • Fixed issue: Pack Global Database does not honor the application setting for the global database name and just packs the default database.

        SDK Changes

        • You will need to recompile any custom plugins.
        • Modified the constructors for GridFormBase and GridFormBaseExEx to require that you pass the Workspace to them. This is a breaking change for any of your code that calls these base forms.
        • Added a new Select Checked List dialog (frmSelectCheckedList) to the SDK.
        • Added a new event: QuerySettingsPanels that is fired upon open of the Settings  dialog to load your setting panels that implement the ISettingsPanel interface.
        • Modified the EntitySpaces.VistadbProvider dll to support VistaDB 6. Removed the AllowMediumTrust attribute. The assembly will now only allow FullTrust access.

        WireCAD v10.0.21.0226 Released 2-26-2021


        • Modified the Frozen Layers List of a Viewport to provide multiselect functionality.
        • Removed the Visible Layers List of a Viewport since it does not persist to dwg.
        • Set the Drawing Property grid to deal with large selection sets.
        • Modified the Drawing Property grid to display Insertion Point X, Y, Z as separate properties.

        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed issue with Export to Visio.
        • Select All not filling property grid.
        • Fixed issue with Check In Project creating duplicate drawings in Project Explorer.
        • Fixed issue with port grouping on ports with empty Grouping field.

        SDK Changes

        WireCAD v10.0.21.0208 Released 02-08-2021


        • Added Advanced Drawing Setting>Global Render Property exposing the AttributeMode of the document.
        • Added a new command line switch to set the program license mode to /NEVERLOCK. This function need only be called once to put the program into this mode. This will force the application to only Float its license.
        • Added a new command line switch to set the program license mode to /ALLOWLOCK. This function need only be called once to set the program back to its default mode after calling /NEVERLOCK.

        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed issue with opening drawing from outside the project folder and choosing Copy to project the drawing database reference is not being created until the drawing is closed and reopened.

        SDK Changes

        WireCAD v10.0.20.1204  Release Date 12/04/2020


        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed issue with RARRAY preview refreshing multiple times before the dialog is shown.
        • Fixed issue with application hang when using a One-to-Many cable or Many-to-One cable with directional feeders.

        SDK Changes

        WireCAD v10.0.20.1106  Released 11/06/2020


        • Added cable run sheet grouped by location report.
        • Added  new script to create a tab delimited file of the Project Equipment List equipment counts by location. The file name is: Systems Count By Location Tab Delimited File.cs
        • Added new script to create a tab delimited file of the blocks and there attributes in a drawing. The file name is: All Attribute Extract to Tab Delimited File.cs
        • Added new script to create a tab delimited file of the blocks and there attributes in a drawing. This variant groups common attribute tags into columns.  The file name is: All Attribute Extract to Tab Delimited File Tag Column Headers.cs
        • Added drawing overlay indicator for drawings that are open outside of the project.
        • Modified the Rectangular Array tool to give feedback as to the dimensions of the arrayed objects.
        • Added Polar Array dialog with feedback.

        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed issue with pointers getting a database reference in some situations that causes them to deassign SysNames if the user clicks yes to delete. 
        • Fixed issue with New Drawing Wizard creating the multiple drawings without proper database references for the open instance. As a result of this error, the drawing would have to be closed and reopened in order to behave correctly.
        • Fixed issue with Drawing Settings panel not allowing selection of Background Color unless the [Background Following Skin Them] checkbox is toggled.
        • Fixed issue with Foreground color not being set after switching from a skin themed background color.

        SDK Changes

        • Added WorkSpace.DrawingEntityDoubleClicked event. This event fires when an entity the drawing is doubleclicked and before any WireCAD action is executed. This event is handled able to stop execution of further action.
        • Added WorkSpace.QueryCustomMenuItems event. This event fires on supported forms to allow developers to modify the menu items of the passed in form.
        • Added WorkSpace.FormLoading event. This event fires for supported forms (not dialogs).
        • Added examples for the new sdk events.

        WireCAD v10.0.20.1016 Released 10/16/2020


        • Modified the DA-1  shape in the Equipment Library to have an extended property that allows the Block Descriptors displayed nearer to the DA body instead of outside the bounding box of the IO.
        • Removed the last page (confirmation)  from the New Drawing Wizard.
        • Restyled the check boxes in the user interface to better resemble system checkboxes instead of radio buttons.
        • Modified the messaging for the default pointer style when the complimentary pointers cannot be found.
        • Modified the Pointer folder and several pointers to work better.
        • Added Save All Drawings function to the drawing user interface.

        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed issue creating drawing throwing OnVisibleChanged exception if certain conditions are met.
        • Fixed issue with Equipment Library New Equipment Wizard when the manufacturers list is empty.
        • Fixed issue with cursor disappearing when opening a layout in a dwg that does not define a printer. This only occurs when the rulers are enabled.
        • Fixed issue with Print Preview causing incorrect Custom Paper Size page height. 
        • Fixed issue with inserting block into model space may give "Trouble Syncing Tabs..." message before insertion.
        • Fixed issue with Insert Block into Drawing dialog not enabling the Rotation field.
        • Fixed issue with Missing Drawing1.dwg exception that can happen if the Open Drawing dialog is open while the AutoSave timer is hit.
        • Fixed issue with Model Space Boundaries dialog leaving the layout tabs out of sync if started from a layout and not Model space.
        • Fixed issue Save As Template Drawing not opening the template drawings support path but rather its containing directory.
        • Fixed issue updating other pointer in a drawing with the active layout set to not Model.
        • Fixed issue with frozen Draw Cables Preview window when a default pointer is selected that  cannot find its compliment.
        • Fixed Object Reference exception when closing all drawings if the drawing is outside a project.

        SDK Changes

        WireCAD v10.0.20.1006 Released 10/06/2020


        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed issue Switching away from active report crashes menu system.

        SDK Changes

        WireCAD v10.0.20.1002 Released 10/02/2020


        • Modified the Report Cable Data selector grid to save user changes.

        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed issue with Named Paths grid not saving user column changes.
        • Fixed nullable reference error that could occur when using the Advanced Tools>Cables>Error Check function.
        • Fixed exception that could occur when assigning a SysName or Cable No when there was a null value on the NextNumber field of the Next Numbers table.

        SDK Changes

        WireCAD v10.0.20.0918 Released 9/18/2020


        • Modified the Text Styles dialog to work better with SHX fonts.
        • Modified the Support Paths settings to include drawing dependency search paths.
        • Modified the installer to  include an SHX Font folder with several open source SHX fonts.
        • Added the Drawing>Modify>Break command.
        • Added the Drawing>Modify>Chamfer command with additional settings in the document properties grid. 
        • Added the Drawing>CAD Tool>Entities>XLine command. 
        • Added the Drawing>CAD Tool>Entities>Spline command. 
        • Added the Drawing>CAD Tool>Entities>Sketch command. 
        • Added the Drawing>CAD Tool>Entities>Multiline command. 
        • Added the Drawing>CAD Tool>Dimensions>Leader command. 
        Bug Fixes

        • Report Cable Data Selector tab not allowing proper operation if a non-cable report is open.

        SDK Changes

        • Fixed issue with ApplyCableNoAssignRuleAfterEdit not firing.
        • Fixed issue with ApplyCableNoAssignRuleBeforeEdit not honoring Cable Type and Cable Type Manu field changes as a result of rule changes.


        WireCAD v10.0.20.0806 Released 08/06/2020


        • Streamlined the cable number assignment process when the source or destination system is not listed in the project Equipment List.
        • Modified Select Available Cable Number field during cable assignment to remove extraneous fields and make it more readable.
        • Added Show Duplicate Cable Numbers function to the File>Tools on the Cables grid.

        • Drawing File>Save Drawing As... not opening in the current project drawings folder.
        • Opening a drawing outside of the project folder throws an exception if the Titleblock Manager plugin is enabled.
        • Fixed orphaned block message showing under the wait indicator.
        • Fixed issue with block creation input side text not honoring PINNAME layer color.
        • Fixed issue changing signal type during cable assignment does not recalculate cable number and cable type.
        • The following grids not saving column sizing, location, order:
        •     Project Signal Types
        •     Global Signal Types
        •     Global Connectors
        •     Global Cable Types

        WireCAD v10.0.20.0709 Released 07/09/2020


        • Modified the Title Block Manager to update blocks found in model space.
        • Modified the Archive to with better error messaging.
        • Modified PatchVerx plugin to autosize all column widths to match a resized column.
        • Added new script to rebuild the global connectors table from the Inputs and Outputs table.
        • Modified file open and save dialogs to follow theme.


        • Fixed Title Block Manager not updating fields when using the Open Drawings dialog with multiple drawings.
        • Fixed issue with Account Info form losing last field's data upon save. This is due to the field having not lost focus to update the datasource. 
        • Fixed issue with folder browser dialog throwing exception from Global Database Location path field.
        • Fixed issue with Drawing File>Save As dialog not producing a file of the selected version type in some cases.

        WireCAD v10.0.20.0615 Released 06/15/2020

        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed issue with missing file in installer distribution.

        WireCAD v10.0.20.0613 Released 06/15/2020


        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed Project Save As function point to the correct file database when creating a new empty project database.
        • Fixed Save User Settings not honoring the ImageMode or ImageScaleFactor settings.
        • Fixed issue with Azure global database upgrade to WireCAD v10 schema.

        WireCAD v10.0.20.0518 Released 05/18/2020


        • Added to shape to Equipment Library called Top Frame. This shape frames the top of the block and any text that appears there with a box.
        • Added the cable database User1 - User12 and the Elevation field to the Port Info Format String field allowing use of those fields in the port marker string in addition to the base group of fields. They are accessed via the variables {8) through {20} respectively.

        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed issue in SysName Assignment dialog where the Alias would be overwritten to match the SysName always when editing the SysName from a block in a drawing.

        WireCAD v10.0.20.0508  Released 05/08/2020


        • Modified the SysName assignment dialog so that the Alias field updates to match the New Manual Entry mode.

        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed issue with Increment Selection Down function in I/O grids not behaving correctly.
        • Fixed null reference issue that occurs occasionally upon closing the Equipment Library.
        • Fixed issue with Equipment Library Find, Input and Output grids not honoring natural sort.
        • Fixed issue with Full Ripple from Equipment List with open drawings hangs  with file databases on some systems.

        WireCAD v10.0.20.0313  Released 03/30/2020


        • Speed enhancements in the Drawing Properties Grid.

        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed issue selecting Existing SysName from list not honoring custom location delimiter.
        • Fixed issue Backbones form not honoring custom location delimiter.
        • Fixed issue Circuits form not honoring custom location delimiter.
        • Fixed issue Blind Patch form not honoring custom location delimiter.

        WireCAD v10.0.20.0313 Released 03/12/2020


        • Added InvisibleMode property to the Edit Attributes dialog to allow changing an attribute's visibility upon edit.

        Bug Fixes

        • User Defined shapes selection in Equipment Library throwing exception after last update.
        • Drawing Properties grid not populating when hidden.
        • Edit Attribute dialog did not honor the accept button.
        • Edit Block in Place would not complete properly if the "Keep My Equipment Library Open..." setting = true.
        • Rack Builder not honoring existing hash grids in some cases.

        WireCAD v10.0.20.0229 Released 02/29/2020


        • Add Beak Blocks. These are blocks that have an arrow(beak) pointing left or right to indicate that the block is associated with something else.
        • Added  no body block. This is a block that does not render a body object.
        • Added small rectangle input/output Pin Styles.
        • Added searchable text to the MultiPage PDF output of the Batch Plotter.

        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed Reset Selected System would not remove the associated index for that SysName and would therefore cause issues with Quick Ripple putting information back in the reset block.
        • Fixed issue when opening a drawing that is locked by another user causing an exception that was thrown by the Title Block Manager.
        • Fixed issue with the Port Adder dialog not showing all input/output pin styles.
        • Fixed issue Open Project fails if there is a drawing or pdf that is open in another process. Now the project opens but indicates that it cannot display that file due to its state.
        • Fixed issue rippling project signal types with a "," in the name.
        • Fixed issue rippling project signal types that dis not have the full layer set.

        WireCAD v10.0.20.0214 Released 02/14/2020


        • Modified the Offset command to honor single item selection set as the first parameter to the function. 

        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed Rectangular Array function not working properly if the selection set is empty on function start.
        • Fixed Edit Block in Place (both variants) stalling if certain conditions are met.

        SDK Changes

        • Added public override void AfterDrawAll(BodyProviderConfig settings) method  to the BodyProviderBase base class. This method,  if overridden in your custom code, can be used to finalize a shape and clean up your modified settings.

        WireCAD v10.0.20.0210 Released 02/10/2020

        • Fixed issue with Front Panel File selector in the Equipment Library

        WireCAD v10.0.20.0207 Released 02/07/2020


        • Modified PDF Export to create searchable pdfs.
        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed issue with port adder dialog sending the input port marker to the output.
        • Fixed Property accessor error that happens on some equipment in the Equipment Library.
        • Fixed issue with Front Panel File selector dialog allowing non dwg file selection.
        • Fixed issue with the MText editor not honoring line breaks on some systems.
        • Fixed issue with the MText editor PenColor selector.
        • Fixed issue with the Status Message dialog RTF export.
        • Fixed issue with distribution missing component.

        WireCAD v10.0.20.0131 Released 01/31/2020


        • Modified the Equipment Library Find, Inputs, and Outputs grids to remember their column display visibility and order.
        • Modified the Add Equipment Wizard to allow selection of the Manufacturer when opened from the Equipment Library. It will populate with the selected manufacturer but allow changing.
        • Modified the Equipment Library find grid column context menu to allow showing the filter row.
        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed issue with Kite blocks rendering output port text at the wrong vertical justification.
        • Fixed issue when switching file based global databases at the same path but with a different filename - the switch was not detected in application and would not take place until WireCAD was relaunched. Now the change is detected and the switch happens in application without restart.
        • Fixed missing dll exception when attempting to show the folder browser from the New Drawing Wizard on some systems.

        WireCAD v10.0.20.0123 Released 1/23/2020

        • Fixed Copy IO L/R function reversed.
        • Fixed Reports Cable Data Selector changes would apply but not show print preview without selecting the Print Preview tab. This would have the appearance of the application doing nothing.
        • Fixed issue with Edit Block in Place not switching menus properly.
        • fixed issue with  Show Me the global library entry not showing.
        • Fixed issue with Show Me the global library allowing erroneous editing of EquipmentName.

        WireCAD v10.0.20.0109 Released 1/09/2020

        • Fixed distribution to include v10 manual. The v9 manual was appearing in some installations.
        • Fixed issue with WireCAD CMS reports.
        • Fixed issue with users able to place items in drawing directly from the Community without first downloading to local.
        • Fixed issue with explanatory message on the Update Cable with Aux Text function.
        • Added Project Advanced Setting to include Cable Type and Cable Type Manufacturer in ripple operations.

        WireCAD v10.0.19.1101 Released 11/01/2019

        • Several speed enhancements.

        WireCAD v10.0.19.1030 Released 10/29/2019

        • Fixed issue with corrupt cable on destination side of pointer causing exception during cable number assignment.
        • Fixed issue Save Project As not copying user fields from SQL Server source database.
        • Fixed issue with Edit Block in Place not re-routing cables if there are more than one cable.
        • Added rulers to drawing environment.
        • Several minor bug fixes.

        WireCAD v10.0.19.1011 Released 10/11/2019

        • Fixed issue with CableError Check not recognizing existing destinations on some cables.
        • Fixed issue with Cancelling a grouped block causes Equipment Library to hide.
        • Fixed issue renaming a drawing from the Project Explorer produces weirdness.Fixed BackgroundWorker is currently busy and cannot run multiple tasks concurrently error.
        • Fixed issue creating new manufacturer from Equipment Library does not refresh local Manufacturers grid.
        • Fixed issue creating new equipment from the Equipment Library does not refresh and focus the found equipment grid.
        • Fixed issue newly added locations do not show in Equipment List dropdowns if the the grid is already open.

        WireCAD v10.0.19.1002 Released 10/02/2019

        • Fixed SQL update issue that occurs when upgrading databases.
        • Fixed Nullable Object error on Mechanical forms.
        • Fixed Issue assigning pointers from v9 drawings across sheets.
        • A bunch of other little stuff.

        WireCAD v10.0.19.1001 Released 10/01/2019

        This is the release version.

        WireCAD v10.0.19.820 released 8/20/2019

        • CMS mapping tool not showing tiles.

        Major Function Changes

        • Completely reworked the Equipment Library and the Library SDK.
        • Modified the Assign SysName dialog to clarify the different modes of operation.    
        • Modified the Assign Cables dialog to clarify the different modes of operation.    
        • Added support for ACAD 2018 drawings.
        • Added PDF Import to drawing function.
        • Dramatically decreased project load time.
        • Dramatically decreased drawing open/save time.
        • Dramatically improved full ripple times.
        • Faster project switching.
        • Added swap Project Location Delimiter function. Allows you to change the LocationDelimiter and ElevationSlotDelimiter variables mid project.
        • Modified the Equipment Library to provide port markers. We have provided 38 marker variants and an SDK event to register your own through code. 
        • Modified the Equipment Library to include Bidirectional ports. If a port is marked as Bidirectional it appears on both the Inputs and Outputs list but can be selected for inclusion in the block from only one side or the other.
        • Added AutoWidth property to the display prefs of the Equipment Library.
        • Added support for grouped ports
        • Implemented round-trip export-import on the project grids.
        • Added Title Block Manager.
        • Added Split Cable to Pointers function.
        • Added Apply Aux Text to cable function.

        Minor Function Changes

        • Added Swap Pointer Function. Allows universal change of pointer style.
        • Added Swap Terminal Function. Allows universal change of terminal style.
        • Added setting to disable progress bar. This helps larger drawings load faster.
        • Added Arc Text tool.
        • Removed drawing rulers.
        • Added project drawing file system watchers for renaming and creating drawings in the active project folder.
        • Added splitter bar to Project Systems Grid for better resizing.
        • Added the ability to create multiple new drawings from the New Drawing Wizard.
        • Modified the Crosshair setting to allow larger sized crosshairs.
        • The ModifiedByUser field is now honored in the Equipment Library.
        • The ModifiedBy field is now deprecated.
        • Removed support for Tags in user defined shapes.
        • Moved the tool panel tabs to the left side and added a user setting to allow return to the bottom position.
        • Modified the response to missing SysName to better guide the user.
        • Added Image field to global Connectors table.
        • Several changes to the Bill of Materials generator filter functions to support Not Equal, Not Like, Null, and Not Null as well as to support all fields in the tables.

        Bug Fixes

        • Fixed scroll bars overlapping drawing window.
        • CMS mapping tool not showing tiles.

        SDK Changes

        • Modified the SDK to work with the new libraries.
        • Removed the Visual Studio templates installer.
        • Added Equipment Library custom shapes examples.

        SDK Breaking Changes

        • You will need to modify the references on any custom plugin to match the new version of DevExpress and VectorDraw components.
        • Utility functions that are involved with Ripple operations no longer return a string value but rather and IEnumerable<RippleOpRetunValue>.