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Synchronizing with Another Equipment Database

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Menu: Database>Sync Equipment Libraries...

Default command line shortcut:

XL FREE does not support synchronizing another Equipment Database.

Occasionally you may experience the need to sync with another user's global database. This will copy all of their equipment to your Global Equipment Database. The sync includes manufacturers, equipment, inputs, outputs, signal types, connectors, cable types, cable core data, relational tables, etc.

You may choose within the tool to perform an import, export or bidirectional sync.

Applies To:


Related Settings:

Syncs the incoming global equipment database to the connected Global Equipment Database


Demystifying Synchronization

Synchronizing data in two tables of the same structure is really very simple. In its most basic form, records that do not exist in one table are added. Records that exist in both tables receive the most current data based on a timestamp. In order that records deleted from one table do not get added back in, a special table is employed to track deleted keys. If the delete is the most current action then the record will likewise be deleted from the other table. In the unlikely event that the records have the exact same timestamp, yet the data is different, those records are flagged as conflict records from which you must pick the most correct.



Database Location

Select either a VistaDB file based database or a SQL Server host. If server based you will need to provide host and credentials. If you do not know them contact your SQL Server database administrator.


Import, Export, Bidirectional

Self explanatory

Remember Settings

Remember database location information


Initiates the synchronization with the top progress bar showing the overall progress and the bottom showing detail progress.

Status Bar

Displays status of the sync.

At the conclusion of the sync you will be presented with a report that details the records updated here and there.
