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Creating a New Cable Type

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1. In your Project Explorer, double click the Cable Types Database.


cable types database

2. Click the New Icon. (This is the blank paper icon next to the diskette save on the top left of your screen.)


New Icon

3. A new window will pop up asking for information on this cable type.


New Cable Type 2

4. Fill in all information about this cable including Manufacturer, Cable Type or P/N & Description. No other fields are required but are available to use at your discretion.


Cable type info 2

5. If this cable is a multi core cable, you will need to check the Is Multi Core box and select how many cores are in this cable.


Multi Core 2

6. Select the [Default Core\Fiber Mode].


Note: To label specific cores as SM or MM, see step 8.


sm or mm

7. Click the [Save] icon (diskette).


save icon

If you need to define SM and MM, please follow steps 8.


8. From your main WireCAD window, select your Cable Types database from the global database field.


Cable Types Database 3

9. Using the filter icon on the Cable Type column header,  select your cable from the drop down menu.


thumb tack

10. Use the [+] button to expand and show all cores.



11. Double click in the Fiber Mode field and enter SM or MM for this strand.


Note: If a series of cores are the same Fiber Mode Type, you can highlight the top one, drag down, and press CTRL+D to automatically populate additional fields.


Fiber Mode

12. Click the [Save] button (diskette) to save changes.