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Cable Management Specific Features and Functions
1. In your Project Explorer, double click the Cable Types Database. |
2. Click the New Icon. (This is the blank paper icon next to the diskette save on the top left of your screen.) |
3. A new window will pop up asking for information on this cable type. |
4. Fill in all information about this cable including Manufacturer, Cable Type or P/N & Description. No other fields are required but are available to use at your discretion. |
5. If this cable is a multi core cable, you will need to check the Is Multi Core box and select how many cores are in this cable. |
6. Select the [Default Core\Fiber Mode].
Note: To label specific cores as SM or MM, see step 8. |
7. Click the [Save] icon (diskette). |
8. From your main WireCAD window, select your Cable Types database from the global database field. |
9. Using the filter icon on the Cable Type column header, select your cable from the drop down menu. |
10. Use the [+] button to expand and show all cores. |
11. Double click in the Fiber Mode field and enter SM or MM for this strand.
Note: If a series of cores are the same Fiber Mode Type, you can highlight the top one, drag down, and press CTRL+D to automatically populate additional fields. |
12. Click the [Save] button (diskette) to save changes. |