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New in Version 7

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The short list of feature additions and changes in the current release:



Added new Enterprise product level with Cable Management System tools. With these tools you can manage large quantities of cabling in data form then use the visualization tools to create drawings from the data.
Conversion tools to allow you to use existing CAD drawing and add WireCAD attributes to make your CAD drawings work with WireCAD.
We have replaced the Search tool with a really cool Find and Replace tool which shows the context in which the search text was found and lets you determine which found items to replace.
The cables database is now bi-directional meaning that changes to the table can be rippled across the project… Very cool.
Toolbars now remember their position…Yeah!
Faster data access.
Blocks created with v7 now remember their creation settings making for a nicer Edit Block in Place experience.
Renamed the Project Systems grid to Equipment List.
Faster settings access which improves the speed of the application.
Improve Most Recently Used Projects control and functionality.
More granular control of the drawing render settings.
We have changed the community server to allow user comments and ratings.
We have paged the amount of data returned by queries to the community server for faster response.
We have changed the reporting tool to allow cable record selection, count and padding. This allows you to select (not filter but check a box) from your cables database which cables to print and how many. You can also pad empty records to push the printed output to remaining labels on your sheet.
We have added batch plot capability.
We have added more user fields to each table in the project database now providing 12 string, 12 boolean and 12 integer fields in each table for user use.
We have finally fixed the decimal separator issue that has plagued us for years.
You can now have more than one SysName of the same name as long as the SysName/Location pair is unique. This allows you to create projects that reuse the same IDs as long as they are placed in a different location.
Added visualization tools to most project grids allowing you to see your data in CAD form with export capability.
We have added a recover signal types function that scans the existing IO in the global Equipment library and adds any signal type found there but not in the master list.
We have added a recover SysNames tool to the project Cables grid to rebuild the project Equipment List from data found therein but missing in the Equipment List.
We have added an Enterprise message server to keep multi-users aware of what each is doing in the application.
We have added scripting support. Actually it was there in v6 we just didn’t expose it.
We have added selective sync to the Sync Equipment Libraries function. Now you can choose which collections to sync or exclude.
We have added a center grip to cable polylines to provide a smoother cable moving experience. In addition, we have add a cable Tidy tool to snap cables back onto ortho when moved by grips.
Control + Click removes  a vertex, Shift+click adds vertex.


New Plugins:

BatchPlot. Export any or all drawings to a printer/plotter in one pass.



SDK Changes:

We have made the following non-breaking changes to the Software Development Kit:


Added Events

QueryNextSysNameNumber - fired before WireCAD calculates the SysName. Allows custom formats.
QueryNextCableNumber - fired before WireCAD calculates the next cable number. Allows customs formats.
ValidateCableNumber - fired before WireCAD closes the Cable Edit dialog. Allows custom validation of cable data.