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Grid Basics

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WireCAD displays data from the various databases in grid form. WireCAD grids support the following:

Column re-ordering
Column hiding/showing
Column grouping
Column resizing
Column filtering
Copy Selection Down
Increment Selection Down
Hierarchical display
Export to PDF, EXCEL, TXT, HTML, XML and more

In addition, several grids support WireCAD Visualization Tools mentioned earlier in this text.

Applies To:


Related Settings:




Grid Parts

Grid Parts

How To


Enter your search text in the Search box and click [Search]. WireCAD will search all fields in the table for the search term. These are wildcard searches.


Clicking on a column header will cause a sort. Clicking it again will reverse the sort order.

Column re-ordering/resizing

Drag a column from its center to initiate a move. Drop it where you want it to display. To resize a column, drag its edge left or right.

Column hiding/showing

To hide a column: right-click the column header and choose [Remove this Column] from the context menu.

To show a column:

1.Right-click any column header
2.Click the [Column Chooser] context menu item
The Customization form displays hidden column headers

The Customization form displays hidden column headers

3.Drag the column header you wish to display and drop it on the header bar with the other column headers.

Column grouping

If the grid supports grouping the grid will display a GroupBy panel at the top indicating that column headers may be dropped there to group.

Grid grouped by Manufacturer and EquipmentName fields

Grid grouped by Manufacturer and EquipmentName fields

To un-group simply drag the column header back to the header bar.

Column filtering

Columns may be filtered in one of three ways:

1.Click the column header filter icon on the column header. You will be presented with a list of unique values found in that column.grid_3
2.Click the (Custom) menu item presented in the column filter list.grid_4
3.If the grid supports it a filter pane will appear as the top row of the grid. It is symbolized by . Entering filter criteria in the desired column will cause filtering.


NOTE: Filters will persist across closing a grid and re-opening. Don't panic. Simply clear the filter criteria as explained below.

Clearing Filter Criteria

If a filter has been applied to a grid, a filter panel will display on the grid in the lower left hand corner.



You may clear the filter by closing [X] the filter panel.


Copy Selection Down

If the grid supports it you will be able to copy the top item in a selection down into all of the selected cells below it. Follow these steps:

1.Create your selection
2.Click Edit>Copy Selection Down or press [Ctrl]+[D] on your keyboard.
3.Be sure to click File>Save to commit your changes to the database.

Increment Selection Down

If the grid supports it you will be able to increment the top item in a selection down into all of the selected cells below it. Follow these steps:

1.Create your selection
2.Click Edit>Increment Selection Down or press [Ctrl]+[I] on your keyboard.
3.Be sure to click File>Save to commit your changes to the database.

Deleting Cell Data

To delete the contents of the selected cells simply click the [Del] key on your keyboard.

Deleting Selected Rows

To remove the rows from the grid:

1.Select the rows to delete by click on the Record Selector (left-most column without data).
2.Click Edit>Delete Selected Rows or click [Ctrl]+[Del] on your keyboard.
3.Be sure to click File>Save to commit your changes to the database.

Display Hierarchical Detail Data

If the grid supports it and there is detail data to display you can click the [+] button in the left-most row.



Click File>Export>[File Type]. WireCAD will then export the data with your current grouping, sorting, and filtering applied to the selected format.