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Assigning Unique IDs (SysNames)

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Menu: Advanced Tools>Equipment Functions>Assign SysName

Default command line shortcut: as

Alternately: double-click the equipment block in the drawing.

Assign a unique ID to blocks in a drawing.

Applies To:

All Product Levels

Related Settings:

SysName Format

Leading Zeros

Next Numbers Database


This function performs the following steps:

1.Gets the next number in the sequence (based on the SysName Format) from the Next Numbers table.
2.Prompts the user for input.
3.Updates the drawing
4.Updates the project systems database.


Note: if the project contains related projects, you will be notified of duplicate SysNames in related projects


Edit SysNames Dialog



If you manually enter a SysName it must follow the format defined in the SysName Format tool. The SysName textbox will be masked to help you follow the format



Alias is functional name for the device. Think of it like the friendly name. The SysName is the unique ID the Alias can be duplicated if desired.


Example: If the device is a distribution amp and its SysName is DA-120 and it is fed by SVR-01, you may choose to alias it as its source SVR-01.

Location / Elevation


We recommend that you enter a Location and Elevation. Take your best guess. The Rack Builder tool will use your guesses to create a preliminary rack layout that can easily be modified to suit your final design

User 1 - 4

For you

IP Address / Subnet Mask

For the IP stuff if any

Power Consumption / Weight

Pre populated from the Global Equipment database if exists


Various flags to help you sort the equipment in your Systems table.