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Zoom command allows the user to increase or decrease the apparent size of objects , so the user can control the part of the drawing that is included in the screen.

Zoom command is a transparent command.

Transparent commands are commands that can be invoked when another command is active.



There are several ways to execute the zoom command:

"E"(Extends) Zooms to display the drawing extents

"P"(Previous) Zooms to display the previous view

"W"(Window) Zooms to display an area specified by two opposite corners of a rectangular window. User must specify these two corners.

"A"(All) zooms to the drawing limits or current extents, whichever is greater.

"S"(Scale) Zooms the display at a specified scale factor. For example, entering 2 doubles the apparent display size of any objects from what it would be if you were zoomed to the limits of the drawing. Entering 0.5 causes each object to be displayed at half its current size on the screen.