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Choosing a Database Format

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WireCAD v6 PRO allows the use of both file based and server based databases for the project and global databases. The choice of which to use requires some forethought. Listed here are some basic considerations:

SQL Server

VistaDB (File Based)

Zero Administration






ACID Compliant (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability)



Database Size

Theoretically unlimited

Theoretical limit is 16 Exabytes (uint64).  Practical limit is based upon machine resources.  Files are not limited by the database engine, but loading very large databases will require large system resources.

In Process Processing




At first glance that the table above it would seem that the proper choice would be the file based solution. However, take note of the last item - In Process Processing means that the WireCAD processes must read and write all data to and from the file based database. Using SQL Server allows us to hand those processes off to the database server creating, in many instances, a significant (read 10X) increase in speed.


Before selecting a database format consider the following questions:

Will I be moving the project from machine to machine? If yes, consider staying file based on the project.
Do I have the chops to manage a SQL Server? If no, stay file based. SQL Server requires care and feeding.
Am I away from my network when I work on WireCAD projects? If you lose connection, WireCAD will become hampered.
Do I really need the speed enhancements? If you are working on projects with hundreds of thousands of cables, SQL Server is a must.


When you move a project using the Project>Utilities>Pack Up/Check Out function and you are using SQL Server databases the database in converted to a file based version and will remain file based from that point forward.


To set up SQL Server see here